Five fantastic reasons why mentoring is for everyone, but REALLY awesome for women in STEM.

If I were to give one piece of career advice, it would be to surround yourself with supportive people. Mentoring relationships can provide that essential support, guidance, and opportunities for women pursuing careers in male-dominated fields.

There is nobody who can’t benefit from mentoring, which is why it can be found at all career stages, but here are five reasons why it’s key for women in STEM:

Confidence Building: That old chestnut that women only apply for jobs if they meet 100% of the job description? Women in STEM often face imposter syndrome and a lack of confidence due to underrepresentation. A mentor can provide emotional support, encouragement, and reassurance, helping women build self-confidence and belief in their abilities.

Skill Development and Knowledge Transfer: Mentoring gives people access to the knowledge and experience of seasoned professionals. Getting an outside opinion,even from someone who isn’t in the same sector as you, is incredibly valuable. Mentors can provide guidance on technical skills, problem-solving strategies, and industry-specific insights, helping women develop their expertise more rapidly.

Career Advancement: Mentoring can be instrumental to help navigate the complexities of career progression in STEM fields. Mentors can offer advice on career planning, networking, and opportunities for advancement. They can also help women identify and overcome common barriers and biases in male-dominated workplaces.

Networking and Visibility: Mentors can introduce you to influential individuals within their field, expanding your professional network. This can lead to valuable collaborations, research opportunities, and increased visibility in the STEM community, ultimately enhancing their career prospects and making women in STEM more visible for future generations. 

Work-Life Balance and Role Modelling: Many women in STEM also juggle family responsibilities. Female mentors can serve as role models, demonstrating successful careers in STEM while maintaining a work-life balance. They can offer practical advice on managing these dual roles and navigating workplace challenges.

Mentoring is a crucial support system for women in STEM. It not only enhances their technical skills and career prospects but also addresses issues related to confidence, work-life balance, and gender equality in the field. The FLISS mentorship program fosters strong mentor-mentee relationships and strives to promote greater diversity and inclusion in STEM disciplines. 

Get in touch to start your mentor journey! 


Unlocking the Full Potential of Your Mentoring Relationship: A Guide